Secondary education ( 1 day without social event ): 90 €
Pack Moodle : 5 people from the same institution, price per person: 236 €
1180 € for 5 people .
Each participant must register on the sciencesconf site and choose Pack moodle .
A payment by credit card , each person must pay 236 € .
An administrative order : 1 only good for 5 people mentioning the names of participants.
A bank transfer: thank you to send an email with the transaction number and names of participants.
Rates until May 30, 2015
Higher education and business : 370 €
Secondary, primary , CFA : 270 €
PhD student : 270 €
Secondary education ( 1 day without social event ) : 150 €
Pack Moodle : 5 people from the same institution, price per person : 300 €
1500 € for 5 people .
Each participant must register on the sciencesconf site and choose Pack moodle .
A payment by credit card , each person must pay 300 € .
An administrative order : 1 only good for 5 people bearing the names of participants.
A bank transfer: thank you to send an email with the transaction number and names of participants
Methods of payment
By credit card Online
By administrative order
By bank transfer (thank you to specify in the subject MoodleMoot transfer and send an email at with your name and the transaction number
To pay by other means thank you to make your request by email to: